ΕΝΙΣΧΥΣΤΕ το blog μας με ένα απλό "ΚΛΙΚ" στις διαφημίσεις

Σάββατο 21 Μαΐου 2011

Mια ζωή τα κάνανε πλακάκια" Αμερικάνοι και Τούρκοι.-Τηλεγράφηµα της Κοντολίζας Ράις (που διέρρευσε), πιέζει τον Ολι Ρεν για ένταξη της Τουρκίας στην Ε.Ε.!

Εµπιστευτικό τηλεγράφηµα της υπουργού Εξωτερικών των ΗΠΑ Κοντολίζας Ράις, το οποίο διέρρευσε από το Wikileaks, δείχνει ότι οι Αµερικανοί είχαν οδηγίες να προσεγγίσουν τον «ήρεµο Φινλανδό», ο οποίος στήριζε την άνευ όρων ένταξη της Τουρκίας στην Ε.Ε. Επίµονο «κορτάρισµα» στον Ολι Ρεν – επίτροπο για τη.... ∆ιεύρυνση της Ευρωπαϊκής Ενωσης από το 2004 έως το 2009 – έκαναν οι Αµερικανοί το 2007, χρονιά κατά την οποία διαφαινόταν το ναυάγιο της ευρωπαϊκής πορείας της Τουρκίας.

Λίγο νωρίτερα, ήταν η φινλανδική προεδρία της Ε.Ε.που είχε διασώσει την Τουρκία από την επιβολή κυρώσεων. Οπωςπροκύπτει από εµπιστευτικό τηλεγράφηµα της τότε υπουργού Εξωτερικών των ΗΠΑ Κοντολίζας Ράις που διέρρευσε από το Wikileaks, οι Αµερικανοί είχαν οδηγίες να προσεγγίσουν τον «ήρεµο Φινλανδό», ο οποίος ποτέ δεν (Δείτε στο τέλος το τηλεγράφημα)...
έκρυψε ότι στήριζε την άνευ όρων ένταξη της Τουρκίας στην Ε.Ε.

Ο φινλανδός επίτροπος που σήµερα ζητά συναίνεση στην Ελλάδα, υποσχέθηκε στον αµερικανό πρεσβευτή στην Αθήνα το 2006 πως θα φρόντιζε να θυµηθούν όλοι ότι το σχέδιο Ανάν ήταν σύµφωνο µε τοκοινοτικό κεκτηµένο... Στις 20 Μαρτίου 2007 σε εµπιστευτικό τηλεγράφηµα της Κοντολίζας Ράις µε προορισµό το Ελσίνκι,την Αγκυρα, το Βελιγράδι, τις Βρυξέλλες και τα Σκόπια, προκύπτει η πρόθεση των Αµερικανών να προσεγγίσουν τον επίτροπο για ναπροωθήσουν τη δική τους ατζέντα.

Ο αµερικανός αναπληρωτής ΥΠΕΞ Ντάνιελ Φριντ, ο οποίος έχει συντάξει το τηλεγράφηµα, ενθαρρύνει µελλοντικές συναντήσεις µε τον Ρεν και δίνει οδηγίες για τα θέµατα που η αµερικανική πλευρά οφείλει να του θέσει, µε κυρίαρχο την προώθηση της ευρωπαϊκής πορείας της Τουρκίας. Μάλιστα, γράφει ότι η επόµενη συνάντηση µε τον Φινλανδόπρέπει να γίνει άµεσα, στην επόµενη επίσκεψή του στο Ελσίνκι.

«Η φινλανδική προεδρία της Ευρωπαϊκής Ενωσης πέτυχε έναν συµβιβασµό για τη µη συµµόρφωση τηςΤουρκίας µε το Πρόσθετο Πρωτόκολλο (σ.σ.την υποχρέωσή της να ανοίξει τα λιµάνια και τααεροδρόµιά της σε κυπριακά πλοία και αεροπλάνα), γεγονός που κράτησετην ευρωπαϊ κή πορεία της Τουρκίας ζωντανή», σηµειώνει, αναγνωρίζοντας πάντως ότι µε την εξέλιξη αυτή στενεύουν τα περιθώρια για πρόοδο στις συνοµιλίες για το Κυπριακό. Ο Φριντ επαναλαµβάνει την αµερικανική θέση υπέρ της υιοθέτησης του Κανονισµού για το Απευθείας Εµπόριο µε τους Τουρκοκύπριους, αν και εκφράζει αβεβαιότητα αν η γερµανική προεδρία «θα µπορέσει ή θα θελήσει να υπερισχύσει των Ελληνοκυπρίων».

Στο ίδιο τηλεγράφηµα ο Φριντ παραθέτει την ακριβή φρασεολογία µε την οποία πρέπει οι αµερικανοί διπλωµάτες να αναφέρονται στον Ρεν. «Κηρύττουµε στους µετανοούντες όταν µιλάµε σε εσάς για τη σηµασία οικοδόµησης του µεγαλύτερου επιτεύγµατος της Ε.Ε.: της επέκτασης µιας ζώνης ελευθερίας, ειρήνης και ευηµερίας στην ευρωπαϊκή ήπειρο»,«έχετε υπάρξει ένας καθαρός πρωταθλητής της ανάγκης για περαιτέρω διεύρυνση για το καλό των υπαρχόντων και των µελλοντικών µελών», «πώς µπορούν οι ΗΠΑ να ξεπεράσουν τη νευρικότητα ορισµένων χωρών της Ε.Ε. για τη διεύρυνση;» είναι µερικές χαρακτηριστικές φράσεις.

Ο Φριντ γράφει πως παρότι η Τουρκία επί της ουσίας δεν «τιµωρήθηκε» για την εφαρµογή του Πρόσθετου Πρωτοκόλλου, «η Ε.Ε. πρέπει σε αυτό το περιβάλλον να προσέξει να στέλνει θετικά σηµάδια στην Τουρκία γιατην ευρωπαϊκή προοπτική της» και επιµένει ότι η Ενωση πρέπει να κάνει άµεσα βήµατα για να εγκρίνει τον Κανονισµό για το Απευθείας Εµπόριο µε τους Τουρκοκύπριους, χωρίς όρους, όπως «η επιστροφή των Βαρωσίων, που προδικάζουν µια µόνιµη διευθέτηση του Κυπριακού!». «ΤΡΟΜΕΡΕΣ» θα ήταν οι συνέπειες του εκτροχιασµού της ευρωπαϊκής πορείας της Τουρκίας, σύµφωνα µε τον Ρεν.

«Οι (Τούρκοι) τεχνοκράτες που δουλεύουν έξω από τη λάµψη των µίντια είναι πλήρως αφοσιωµένοι στο να διασφαλίσουν ότι η διαδικασία θα παραµείνει ζωντανή. Υψηλοί αξιωµατούχοι όπως ο Ολι Ρεν συνεχίζουν να προειδοποιούν για τις τροµερές συνέπειες στις σχέσεις της ∆ύσης µε το Ισλάµ αν εξαφανιστούν οι ευρωπαϊκές φιλοδοξίες της Τουρκίας», γράφει ο αµερικανός πρεσβευτής στην Αγκυρα Ρος Ουίλσον σε εµπιστευτικό τηλεγράφηµα τον Ιούνιο του 2007, περιγράφοντας τη συνάντηση που έχει πραγµατοποιηθείστην Αγκυραµε την τρόικα της Ε.Ε., µε επικεφαλής τον Ολι Ρεν, τον ΥΠΕΞτης Γερµανίας Φρανκ Βάλτερ Στανµάγιερ και τον υπουργό Επικρατείας της Πορτογαλίας Ζοάο Κραβίνοας, και από την τουρκική πλευρά τον τότε ΥΠΕΞ Αµπντουλάχ Γκιουλ, τον υπουργό Επικρατείας και τότε επικεφαλής των διαπραγµατεύσεων µε την Ε.Ε. Αλί Μπαµπατζάν, τον σύµβουλο τουΕρντογάν Αχµέτ Νταβούτογλου και τον αναπληρωτή ΥΠΕΞ Ερτουγρούλ Απακάν.

Στη συνάντηση που έχει ο Ρεν µε την αµερικανίδα πρέσβειρα στο Ελσίνκι Μέριλιν Γουέρ τον Ιούλιοτου 2007, διαβεβαιώνει τη συνοµιλήτριά του ότι οι ευρωπαϊκές αποφάσεις για την πορεία της Τουρκίας δεν θα αλλάξουν, «παρότι τα µηνύµατα από τον Σαρκοζί υποδεικνύουν το αντίθετο». Οπως προκύπτει από το δηµοσιευµένο τηλεγράφηµα, ο φινλανδός επίτροπος προτείνει την εξής λύση στους Αµερικανούς: µπορεί η Ε.Ε.να συντάξει νέα συµπεράσµατα στο Ευρωπαϊκό Συµβούλιο, τα οποία «θα επιτρέπουν στον Σαρκοζίνα πει στη γαλλική κοινή γνώµηότι εισήγαγε την “προνοµιακή σχέση” µε την Τουρκία (σ.σ. αντί της πλήρους ένταξης)».

Και παράλληλα, συνεχίζει, «το φινίρισµα των συµπερασµάτων πρέπεινα περιλαµβάνει γλώσσαπου θα επιτρέπει στους Τούρκους ναπουν ότι αν µείνουν στην ευρωπαϊκή τροχιά, θα έχουν κάποιον έλεγχο επί της µακροπρόθεσµης ευρωπαϊκής προοπτικής τους». Μάλιστα, όπωςπεριγράφει το τηλεγράφηµα, οΡεν χαµογέλασε και είπε: «∆ενείναι πολύ κοµψό, αλλά έτσι λειτουργεί η Ευρωπαϊκή Ενωση». Υπενθυµίζεται ότι το 2007, λόγω των αργών µεταρρυθµίσεων στην Τουρκία σε συνδυασµό µε το Κυπριακό, ο Ρεν προειδοποίησε για επερχόµενο ναυάγιο των ενταξιακών διαπραγµατεύσεων της Τουρκίας.

Τον ∆εκέµβριο του 2006 η Ε.Ε. πάγωσε 8 από τα 35 διαπραγµατευτικά κεφάλαια της Τουρκίας, ενώεπί Ρεν ήτανη φινλανδική προεδρία της Ε.Ε. που προχώρησε αιφνιδιαστικά στην απόφαση να συζητηθούν 4 από τα 8 κεφάλαια. Σηµειώνεται ακόµηότι η φινλανδική προεδρία τηςΕ.Ε. το 2006, αφενός, προωθούσε τον Κανονισµό για το Απευθείας Εµπόριοµε τους Τουρκοκύπριους και,αφετέρου, µε τις προτάσεις της για το Κυπριακό απέκλειε την επιστροφή των Ελληνοκυπρίων στα Βαρώσια (Αµµόχωστος) και το άνοιγµα των αεροδροµίων στα Κατεχόµενα, χωρίς προηγούµενη συµφωνία του κατοχικού καθεστώτος.


Τον Μάρτιο του 2006, όπως προκύπτει από εµπιστευτικό τηλεγράφηµα από την Αθήνα, ο αµερικανός πρεσβευτής Τσαρλς Ρις συναντιέταιµε τον ΟλιΡεν και του λέει ότι η Κοµισιόν είχε αποφασίσει το 2004 πως το σχέδιο Ανάν δεν ήταν ανακόλουθο µε το κοινοτικό κεκτηµένο. «Πρόσφατα όµως η Λευκωσία επαναλαµβάνει ότι η ένταξή της στην Ε.Ε. έχει αλλάξει πλήρως τους όρους της επανένωσης (αµφισβητώντας τη συνέπεια του σχεδίου µετο κοινοτικό κεκτηµένο)», λέεικαι σηµειώνει ότι τίποτα δεν έχει αλλάξει.

Ο Ρεν, αναφέρει ο Ρις, «το σηµείωσε και είπε ότι και εκείνος θα αναζητούσε τρόπους για ναθυµίσει ότι στην τελική µορφή του το σχέδιο Ανάν δεν ήταν ανακόλουθο µε τους ευρωπαϊκούς κανόνες». Το ότι οι Αµερικανοί – και όχι µόνο – επιχειρούν βγάλουν από τη µέση το Κυπριακό για να µην εκτροχιαστεί η ευρωπαϊκή προοπτική της Τουρκίας δεν αποτελεί µυστικό.

Οπως προκύπτει από εµπιστευτικό τηλεγράφηµα της αµερικανικής πρεσβείας στις Βρυξέλλες, πουπεριγράφει τησυνάντηση του Μάθιου Μπράιζα (βοηθός αναπληρωτή ΥΠΕΞ των ΗΠΑ) µε αξιωµατούχους της Κοµισιόν και του Ευρωκοινοβουλίου τον Φεβρουάριο του 2006, ο σύµβουλος του Ρεν για τη ∆ιεύρυνση Ζαν Κριστόφ Φιλόρι λέει στον Μπράιζα ότι δεν πρέπει να περιµένει πως «οποιαδήποτε τουρκική κυβέρνηση θα ανοίξει τα λιµάνια της χωρίς κινήσεις άρσης της αποµόνωσης των Τουρκοκυπρίων» και ότι «το κλειδί είναι να δοθεί στην Αγκυρα η απαιτούµενη πολιτική κάλυψη για να εφαρµόσει το Πρόσθετο Πρωτόκολλο».

Στην ίδια συνάντηση, ο ολλανδός ευρωβουλευτής καιυπεύθυνος των εκθέσεων γιατην Τουρκία Καµιέλ Ερλινγκς σηµειώνει ότι «ακόµη και ο επίτροποςΟλι Ρεν – έναςσυνήθως ήρεµος Φινλανδός – έγινε πολύ ευαίσθητος ότανσυζητούσε την τουρκική “κωλυσιεργία” στα θέµατα θρησκευτικών ελευθεριών». Και αυτό επειδή ο Ρεν φοβόταν το επικείµενο ναυάγιο.

Δείτε το τηλεγράφημα παρακάτω.

id: 101238

date: 3/20/2007 21:00

refid: 07STATE35309

origin: Secretary of State

classification: CONFIDENTIAL

destination: 07HELSINKI70




DE RUEHC #5309/01 0792110


R 202100Z MAR 07










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E.O. 12958: DECL: 03/19/2017






FOR REASONS: 1.4 (b) AND (d).

1. (U) This is an action request. See paragraph 3.

2. (C) EUR/ERA appreciates Embassy Helsinki,s initiative in

reaching out to EU Commissioner for Enlargement Olli Rehn as

reported in Helsinki 70, and encourages future meetings

whenever Rehn visits Helsinki. EU Commissioners can provide

valuable insights into issues of deep interest to the Bureau

and the Department. This cable provides guidance on key

issues in Rehn,s EU Enlargement portfolio.

3. (C) Action Request: The Department requests that Embassy

Helsinki schedule a meeting with Olli Rehn on his next visit

to Helsinki to discuss issues relating to EU enlargement.

Post may refer to the following guidance in engaging Rehn on

next possible occasion:





4. (SBU) The Finnish EU Presidency brokered a compromise over

Turkey,s non-compliance with the Additional Protocol to the

Ankara Agreement that helped keep Turkey,s EU accession

process alive. But the affair has drastically narrowed the

scope for progress in the negotiations and soured an already

poisonous atmosphere surrounding those talks. Under the

pressure of national elections, nationalism is on the rise in

Turkey. Turkey insists that only when the EU lives up to

commitments made prior to Cyprus, accession to lift the

isolation of the Turkish Cypriots ) notably through

implementation of aid and trade regulations ) will it allow

Greek Cypriot vessels access to Turkish ports as it is

required to do for ships of all EU members.

5. (SBU) The EU approved ,259 million in aid to the Turkish

Cypriot community in fall 2006. Implementation of funded

projects has met with both practical and political obstacles;

it remains to be seen whether all available funds can be

contracted by the 2009 deadline. Although the January 22-23

EU Council called for work to resume on the Commission,s

direct trade regulation for the Turkish Cypriots, it is

unclear if the German EU Presidency will be able or willing

to outmaneuver the Greek Cypriots. Movement on trade and aid

could have beneficial spillover effects for a permanent

Cyprus settlement process under UN auspices, which will

almost certainly have to precede Turkey,s entry into the EU.


6. (SBU) With the opportunity to resolve Kosovo,s status

this year, the international community is well positioned to

assist the Western Balkans move beyond the conflict of the

1990s and firmly on the path to Euro-Atlantic integration.

We need to focus on our objectives of regional stability and

economic prosperity for all the countries of southeast Europe

and of the region as a whole. At Thessaloniki in 2003, the EU

Council declared that the Balkans, future was within Europe,

but countries in the region have no clear sense of what that

means. 2006 was essentially a lost year for EU enlargement

in the Western Balkans; only Croatia got &closer to

Europe,8 by completing several chapters of the acquis


7. (C) Elsewhere in the Western Balkans, EU discussions on

integration have offered little reason for optimism. With

full membership seemingly a distant prospect, successive EU

presidencies have focused on a consolation prize ) travel

liberalization ) but that too has proven elusive. The

current modest objective of visa facilitation is largely

confined to containing planned increases in visa fees. Such

damage limitation does little to make travel easier; on the

contrary, the Western Balkans now face visa requirements for

travel to new EU members Bulgaria and Romania.

STATE 00035309 002 OF 004

8. (SBU) The last significant obstacle for Bosnia to conclude

a Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA) with the EU

stems from its failure to meet the EU criteria on police

reform. The U.S. supports EU pressure on Bosnia to create

more integrated, professional nationwide police structures.

However, the EU,s leverage on overall reforms will only

increase once Bosnia is in the Stabilization and Association

process. We will continue to support EU and Office of the

High Representative (OHR) efforts to forge a Bosnian

agreement that meets the EU,s police reform criteria, but

encourage the EU to demonstrate flexibility on what it deems

to meet these criteria.

9. (SBU) We support further EU-Serbian integration,

particularly in relation to a Kosovo decision. Constructive

integration entails engaging Serbia on war crimes issues.

SAA negotiations were suspended and membership in Partnership

for Peace (PfP) was denied due to Serbia,s non-cooperation

with the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former

Yugoslavia (ICTY), namely, the failure to arrest and transfer

to The Hague fugitive Ratko Mladic. In December, NATO

granted PfP membership to Serbia; the EU should consider the

impact that restarting SAA talks would have on a Kosovo

decision as well as ensuring that Serbia is mindful of its

obligation to cooperate with the ICTY.

10. (SBU) Stability in Balkan countries is highly dependent

on their prospects for integration with Europe. We are not

asking for shortcuts to integration ) only for clear

indications that the Western Balkan countries will enter the

EU eventually, and that the timing depends on the pace of

their reforms. The EU needs to move beyond the current

standstill: it should provide a starting date for accession

talks with Macedonia; issue clear and realizable goals for

Bosnian police reform; and find a way to overcome the impasse

over SAA negotiations with the new Serbian government.


Policy Background Information


11. (SBU) The U.S. supports the EU enlargement process as a

means to promote peace, stability and reform in aspirant

countries and the region as a whole. Key U.S. policy points

are as follows:


-- We are preaching to the converted when we talk to you

about the importance of building on the EU,s greatest

achievement: extending the zone of peace, liberty and welfare

across the European continent.

-- You have been an articulate champion of the need for

further enlargement, for the good of existing members as well

as future ones.

-- We welcomed your February 26 speech in Berlin and its

emphasis on the EU membership perspective as the greatest

transformative force in Europe.

-- As you indicated in the speech, the dynamic economic

growth resulting from enlargement is also the greatest

assurance that Europe will be a force to be reckoned with

throughout the 21st century.

-- How can the U.S. help overcome some EU countries,

nervousness about further enlargement?


-- Although the Finnish Presidency-brokered compromise over

Turkey,s non-compliance with the Additional Protocol to the

Ankara Agreement helped keep Turkey,s EU accession process

on track, the EU should take special care in the current

political environment that it sends positive signals to

Turkey regarding its EU accession prospects.

-- It is important that EU live up to its obligations to lift

the isolation of the Turkish Cypriot community. The October

agreement to disburse ,38.1 million of ,259 million in

aid was a good start, but the EU must now face down Greek

Cypriot opposition to implement the 24 projects that are

already funded, such as university scholarships, and

accelerate the disbursal process for the remainder to avoid

losing credibility and momentum.

STATE 00035309 003 OF 004

-- Most importantly, the EU should take rapid steps to

approve the Direct Trade Regulation for the Turkish Cypriot

community. This regulation must not contain conditions, such

as a return of Varosha, that pre-judge a permanent settlement

on Cyprus.

-- The United States, overarching objective in Cyprus is to

help foster a comprehensive settlement that reunifies the

island into a bi-zonal, bi-communal federation. We actively

support the efforts of the United Nations to reconcile

differences and find common ground for a settlement. The EU

can play a positive role by making progress on aid and trade

to the Turkish Cypriot community; doing so will have positive

effects on a permanent settlement.


Back to a Regional Focus on Integration

-- The EU integration process is the most important factor

for stabilizing the Balkans. Back-sliding, refugee flows,

emigration, and violence remain real possibilities if EU does

not decisively move toward integration. Security missions

are a band-aid, not a cure.

-- Technical debates about elements of a Kosovo status

settlement have overwhelmed planning for the prosperity and

stability of the region as a whole. We should get back to a

focus on regional stabilization, and Euro-Atlantic

integration as the prime catalyst.

-- The institutional changes encouraged by the integration

process can lay the foundation for increased investment and

job creation. They also provide structures for modern

administration and regional cooperation needed to combat

organized crime.

-- Nationalism and criminality disguised as nationalism have

been root causes of instability in the region. Through

integration, nationalism can be curtailed substantially by

improving economic conditions and, to a lesser extent by

rendering borders less important.

A Need for Clarity, and Momentum

-- 2006 was largely a lost year for bolstering EU enlargement

hopes in the Western Balkans, except in Croatia, which

successfully concluded some chapters in accession


-- EU policy on enlargement vis-~-vis the Balkans needs to be

made clear and made clear soon.


-- EU talks with Serbia on a SAA have been suspended for a

year, making membership prospects more distant at a critical

time in the region.

-- NATO granted Serbia PfP membership. Similarly, the EU

should look for an opportunity to resume SAA negotiations

with Serbia, within a timeframe conducive to a Kosovo

settlement, while ensuring that Serbia cooperates with the


-- Your previous public statements on SAA for Serbia have

been particularly constructive. We support further

statements clarifying the EU,s engagement strategy with

Serbia, such as through the SAA process.


-- Achieving an SAA will be a landmark achievement for Bosnia

and should help drive additional reforms. We will continue

to support EU and OHR efforts to forge an agreement among

Bosnians that meets the EU criteria on police reform.

-- In light of the SAA,s importance as an engine for

achieving broader and more rapid economic and political

reform, we encourage the EU to demonstrate maximum

flexibility in determining whether Bosnia has met these



STATE 00035309 004 OF 004

-- Macedonia was granted candidate status in December 2005,

but there is no starting date for accession talks and no

plans for setting one.

-- Macedonia has made impressive economic reforms and is

working to re-establish a productive government-opposition

dialogue. The EU can and should plan to start accession


Moving Forward

-- Without clarity that all of southeast Europe is moving

toward Euro-Atlantic structures, nationalism, demagoguery,

crime and their toxic progeny will continue to thrive in the


-- The U.S. is not asking for a short-cut to EU membership.

But every country should have a sense that it is on track for

EU (and NATO) membership, and the timing depends on each

country's progress.


=======================CABLE ENDS==========================

id: 112053

date: 6/14/2007 13:27

refid: 07ANKARA1515

origin: Embassy Ankara

classification: CONFIDENTIAL

destination: 07ANKARA1454




DE RUEHAK #1515/01 1651327


R 141327Z JUN 07








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E.O. 12958: DECL: 06/13/2017





Classified By: Political Counselor Janice Weiner for reasons 1.4(b) and


1. (C) SUMMARY: Turkey-EU Troika consultations held June 4 in

Ankara were constructive and served to underscore the

continued mutual commitment to pursuing eventual Turkish EU

membership, according to GOT and EU officials. Turkey's

membership aspirations continue, and the technical process,

though slowed by the EU's December freezing of negotiations

on eight chapters as a result of Turkey's refusal to open its

ports to Cypriot vessels, is moving ahead as well. The

question of how many additional chapters will be opened for

formal negotiation later this month remains. However, the

negotiation process continues, notwithstanding French

President Sarkozy's apparent determination to end it as well

as faltering public support in Turkey. END SUMMARY



2. (C) Turkey-EU Troika consultations held June 4 in Ankara

were short but substantive, focusing not only on Turkey's

membership aspirations, but on broader international topics.

According to various EU member state embassy officials here,

the meetings lasted only three and a half hours due to German

FM Steinmeier's commitments later in the day in Berlin for

Germany-Canada consultations. In addition to Steinmeier, the

EU delegation was led by EU Enlargement Commissioner Olli

Rehn and Portuguese State Minister Joao Cravinhoas. Turkey's

key representatives included FM Abdullah Gul, State Minister

and Chief Negotiator on EU Accession Ali Babacan, Foreign

Policy Advisor to the PM and FM Ahmet Davutoglu, and MFA

Under Secretary Ertugrul Apakan, among others.



3. (C) Ahmet Dogan of Turkey's Secretariat General for EU

Affairs said the EU delegation underscored the Union's

continued commitment to the negotiations and reiterated the

hope that formal talks on an additional three chapters could

be initiated before the end of June. Dogan said the three

chapters under consideration, on Economic and Monetary

Policy, Financial Controls, and Statistics, have no opening

benchmarks which Turkey needs to clear prior to the opening

of negotiations. Should the EU decide to move forward as

planned in these three areas, Turkey would be asked to submit

an opening position paper for each chapter; GOT bureaucrats

are busy preparing those.

4. (C) In contrast to Dogan's optimism about moving ahead

with all three chapters, German Embassy officials here said

that Steinmeier offered no such assurances. The German

presidency objective is to proceed if possible. They see the

process as open, and open-ended; whether or not member states

object to opening all three chapters at the moment, the

process itself will continue. Steinmeier noted that a large

majority of EU countries favor Turkey's candidacy, but it is

no secret that some - and at least two in particular (Cyprus,

France) - are critical. Steinmeier indicated to his Turkish

hosts that Turkey must help turn them around.

Sarkozy and Turkey's EU Accession


5. (C) Reports of French President Sarkozy's determination to

offer Turkey status short of full membership, perhaps as

early as this December, have received considerable media

attention here and contributed to a backlash among the

Turkish public against EU membership talks. French embassy

officials confirmed press reports that Sarkozy's government

intends to try to block opening of negotiations on the

Economic and Monetary Policy (EMU) chapter. They pointed

out, however, that it may be too late. Dogan noted France

and Cyprus view opening negotiations on three new chapters as

rewarding continued Turkish intransigence on opening its

ports to Cypriot vessels; they are pressing to open just one

new chapter. He said the GOT will be disappointed, but not

surprised, if in the end the EU offers to open two new

chapters. Ironically, Turkey has a good story to tell on the

EMU, as it is already in compliance with two of the

Maastricht criteria only six years after its financial

crisis. Moreover, a Turkish EU Secretariat official pointed

out to us that opening the EMU chapter is purely symbolic in

any case, because nothing really happens on this chapter

until the Eurozone is ready to admit the accession country,

ANKARA 00001515 002 OF 003

after the country gains EU membership. The French officials

lamented that French efforts will only worsen soured

bilateral relations over the French parliament's passage of

an Armenian genocide resolution last Fall.

EU Keeping An Eye on Turkey


6. (C) Turning to domestic politics, FM Gul told the EU

delegation that Turkey-EU relations would play a role in the

July 22 general elections. Gul expressed hope that the

Turkish electorate would decide to re-elect a party committed

to continuing the EU negotiation process. Commissioner Rehn

underscored the EU's hope that Turkey's election would be in

accordance with democratic principles and Turkey's

constitution. Gul reiterated the Justice and Development

Party (AKP)-led government's commitment to pursuing the

reform agenda established earlier in the year in its EU

roadmap. He also indicated the next government, presuming

AKP is again in power, would take up the process of passing a

new Foundations Law and reform of penal code article 301,

both of which have been high priorities for the EU.

According to Dogan, the EU delegation emphasized the

importance the EU gives to Turkey's continued work in

enhancing freedom of expression and freedom of religion, as

well as trade union rights. The Troika also criticized the

military's role in Turkey, pointing to the April 27 "coup-by

memorandum" that many believe influenced the constitutional

court's decision to negate the presidential election process.

At the same time, Dogan said the EU delegation emphasized

its support for Turkey's secular democracy, which many Turks

would read to mean support for AKP's more secular opposition.

7. (C) Steinmeier pointed to the April 18 murders of three

Christians in Malatya as a big concern for the EU, which also

reflected very negatively for Turkey in the European press.

He stressed the need for a change in mentality among Turks

toward religious minorities and recommended that GOT

ministers meet with leaders of these communities. Steinmeier

expressed the EU's continued commitment to Turkey in its

fight against PKK terrorism but appealed for GOT restraint

and no precipitous action in connection with its struggle

against the PKK in northern Iraq. Gul responded that Turkey

has no hidden agenda regarding Iraq; it wants a unified Iraq

that is friendly, democratic, and stable. However, a lack of

sovereignty causes chaos, which breeds terrorism. Gul said

the PKK has gained access to weapons and explosives and the

ability to freely train its cadres in northern Iraq. Turkey

is expecting more urban bombings and the GOT is concerned

about how the Turkish public and media will react in the

current politically-charged environment.

Searching For a Way Forward on Cyprus


8. (C) On Cyprus, Steinmeier said the German presidency would

continue to put forth its best effort on a new trade

regulation for direct trade with northern Cyprus and opening

ports/airports. State Minister Cravinhoas pledged similar

effort on the part of the Portuguese. However, Steinmeier

said that even if no progress is made on direct trade, Turkey

remains obligated in the EU's eyes to open its ports and

airports to ROC trade. The Turks predictably countered with

the need to end the isolation of Turkish Cypriots and to find

a solution under UN aegis to the continued division of the

island. Gul blamed the Cypriot government for obstructionism.

Cooperation on Central Asia


9. (C) The Troika and Turkish delegations also discussed

Iran's nuclear ambitions, the Middle East Peace Process and

intra-Palestinian factional fighting, ongoing fighting in

Lebanon, prospects for Turkish-EU cooperation in Central

Asia, and efforts to improve ties between Turkey and Armenia.

On Central Asia, Steinmeier described a change in EU

strategy, now focused not only on energy but in helping push

for positive change in the entire region. The EU wants to

enhance EU-Central Asia cooperation on transport routes and

civil society dialogue, as well as energy projects like

Nabucco. The GOT delegation spoke of the great potential for

Turkish-EU cooperation in this region, especially in energy.

MFA Deputy U/S Cevikoz described the four "D's" of the

Turkish approach: democracy, dialogue, development, and

diversification. The Turks recognized that the Central Asian

states had for too long been under the thumb of big brother;

they were being careful not to appear to be a newer, more

modern version of the same. The Portuguese added that

ANKARA 00001515 003 OF 003

EU-Central Asia consultations would take place on the margins

of UNGA later this year. Cravinhoas also appealed for

Turkish pragmatism in its dealings with Armenia, viewing the

lack of bilateral ties as an obstacle to greater regional


10. (C) COMMENT: Despite political forces determined to drive

Turkey and the EU apart, the process continues to sputter

forward. With the AKP government having made EU accession a

centerpiece of its program, it is struggling to resist rising

anti-EU sentiment in Turkey and a more openly hostile

Euroscepticism from the military. Technocrats working

outside the glare of the media spotlight remain fully

committed to ensuring the process lives on. High profile

officials like Olli Rehn continue to warn of the dire

consequences for relations between the West and Islam should

Turkey's aspirations be extinguished. On the Turkish side,

Minister Babacan said the alternative to Turkey's EU

avocation is to be a third world country. The July 22

elections will help clarify whether the Turkish public - now

slightly favoring membership - sees the EU accession process

as an unacceptable national humiliation or a worthwhile

effort. In the meantime, planning for future Turkey-EU

cooperation will continue.

Visit Ankara's Classified Web Site at



id: 116071

date: 7/20/2007 10:37

refid: 07HELSINKI553

origin: Embassy Helsinki

classification: CONFIDENTIAL





DE RUEHHE #0553/01 2011037


R 201037Z JUL 07












----------------- header ends ----------------




E.O. 12958: DECL: 07/20/2017





1. (C) Summary: EU Enlargement Commissioner Olli Rehn

told Ambassador Ware that French President Sarkozy's

opposition will complicate Turkey's EU accession bid, but

does not necessarily need to derail it if the EU manages

the process carefully. Rehn was pessimistic about

Kosovo, and very disappointed in the Serb leadership's

failure to realize that Russia's cynical handling of the

UNSCR process is directly contrary to Serbia's long term

interests. He predicted that the US and each EU member

state will ultimately be forced to make a decision about

unilaterally recognizing Kosovo's independence. EU

unanimity on recognition will not be possible, but

recognition "by the US and 15-20 member states" will be

necessary in order to demonstrate to Russia that it

cannot "dictate Europe's security policy." Rehn expressed

appreciation for US efforts to promote EU unity on Kosovo,

noting that our leverage with Romania could be useful.

End Summary.

2. (U) Ambassador Ware and PolChief met with EU

Commissioner for Enlargement Olli Rehn July 19 on the

margins of the "Finland Arena," a gathering of Finnish

political leaders that takes place annually on the

margins of the world famous Pori Jazz Festival.



3. (C) Rehn suggested that Turkey's July 22 election

could have an "unpredictable" effect on Turkey's troubled

EU accession process. The AKP remains the best bet for

keeping reforms on track, and one-party governments -- as

opposed to coalitions -- tend to have the best record,

both on reform and in managing domestic expectations.

One troubling aspect, he added, is that the rapidly growing

youth vote in Turkey is divided, and there are no clear

leaders emerging.

4. (C) Turning to the EU's role, Rehn emphasized that the

Council-approved policies currently in place regarding

Turkey's accession process will not change -- despite

clear messages from President Sarkozy suggesting

otherwise. That said, Sarkozy promised the French

electorate he would seek to slow or even halt Turkey's

bid, and "one should not underestimate his determination"

to deliver on them. Rehn outlined one possible solution:

The EU may ultimately need to draft new conclusions that

allow Sarkozy to say to the French public, "I've

introduced 'privileged partnership' to the EU

discussion." At the same time, those conclusion's "fine

print" would have to include language that allows the

Turks to say that if they stay on track, they still have

some control over their long term EU prospects. "It's

not very elegant," Rehn smiled, "but that's how the EU




5. (C) Turning to the Balkans, Rehn reluctantly predicted

that Moscow, will probably never allow a UNSCR mandating

Kosovo's independence to move forward. "Russia's UN

strategy is very simple," he explained. "If Kosovo is

resolved, Serbia is relieved of the burden of relying on

Russia and thus can immediately put itself on the faster

road to the EU." Russia is determined not to lose its

client relationship with Serbia, and will veto a Kosovo

UNSCR on that basis alone. Russia's stance on Kosovo has

everything to do with Russia's own interests, nothing

really to do with Kosovo, and -- perhaps worst of all --

runs directly counter to Serbia's long-term interests,

Rehn continued. Unfortunately, most of the Serb

leadership, including the Foreign and Prime ministers,

cannot or will not grasp this reality, and

President Tadic -- who does understand it -- "doesn't

have the guts or the tools" to move Serbia away from

Russia and toward the West.

6. (C) For now, EU unity behind Ahtisaari's proposals has

been shaken a bit, but remains intact. However, he

warned, if a UNSCR on Kosovo fails to emerge following a

brief period of additional negotiations, all bets on EU

unity are off. He singled out Romania as being

HELSINKI 00000553 002 OF 002

particularly susceptible to Russia's shop-worn arguments

about setting an international precedent on ethnic

minorities, and suggested that the US could play a helpful

role in convincing Bucharest otherwise. Rehn also suggested

that while Chancellor Merkel remained committed, the German

Parliament might move in a different direction absent a UNSCR.



7. (C) In the medium term, Rehn said that the US and the

EU still need to try to show the Serbs that Russia is not

acting in their country's best interests. However, in

the long term, the US and the 27 EU MS will need to face

the reality of unilaterally recognizing Kosovo's

independence. If, after four months, Moscow remains

obstructionist, "we have to be prepared to say to Russia

that it cannot dictate Europe's security policy."

Unanimity among the 27 will not be possible, Rehn added,

but we can still send a clear message to Russia if "the

US and 15 to 20 member states" unilaterally recognize

Kosovo. EU unanimity will, however, again be crucial on

the issue of a post-independence ESDP mission for Kosovo,

because "a coalition of the willing with no full EU

mandate would be a disaster," Rehn said.


=======================CABLE ENDS============================

id: 219899

date: 8/7/2009 11:28

refid: 09ANKARA1145

origin: Embassy Ankara

classification: CONFIDENTIAL

destination: 09STATE77681




DE RUEHAK #1145/01 2191128


P 071128Z AUG 09











----------------- header ends ----------------

C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 02 ANKARA 001145


E.O. 12958: DECL: 09/05/2019





B. STATE 77681

Classified By: Ambassador James Jeffrey for reasons 1.4 (b,c)

1. (C) Summary: Ambassador discussed reftels joint efforts

with Swedish Ambassador Christer Asp August 5 and noted, in

particular, that rising Turkish-Greek tensions over recent

Aegean events could inadvertently impact Turkey's EU

accession bid. Asp commented that Greece and Cyprus already

have attempted to raise the issue in the July GAERC meeting.

As EU President, Stockholm has pushed Ankara to take steps

that would ease stresses with Athens and Nicosia, namely

opening the Halki Seminary and backing down on objections to

Cypriot oil explorations. Despite a general feeling that

heavy lifting on Cyprus would have to wait until MFA U/S

Apakan (a hardliner on Cyprus/Greek issues) left for his new

assignment in September, Asp reported that he has already

seen signs of flexibility, including some from Apakan

himself. The most promising is a possible GOT declaration of

non-aggression and peaceful resolution regarding the

continental shelf. End Summary.

2. (C) In an August 5 meeting, the Ambassador reiterated to

Swedish Ambassador Christer Asp that the USG intentions to

work in tandem with Stockholm on issues related to Turkey's

EU accession bid as earlier discussed by EUR DAS Matt Bryza

and Swedish MFA Director Lars Wahlund in a July 19 DVC (ref

A). The Ambassador noted a disappointing turn from warming

Turkish-Greek relations punctuated by recent Turkish military

flights over the Greek-populated Agathonisi and Farmakonisi

islands. Such events could adversely impact the upcoming

Ankara Protocol review in November should Athens decided to

drag Brussels into a bilateral dispute over the Aegean.

3. (C) Asp commented that Brussels has traditionally chosen

to "stay out" of Turkish-Greek disputes. However, given the

importance of this year's Ankara Protocol review, he has

articulated similar concerns to the GOT. Both Greece and

Cyprus raised territorial complains against Turkey at the

July EU General Affairs and External Relations Council

(GAERC) meeting, reported Asp. As EU President, Sweden

managed to kill the discussion by convincing other members

not to intervene. Nevertheless, Cyprus will likely revive

the issue again before November. Asp agreed to echo the

Ambassadors concerns over Agathonisi and Farmakonisi with the


4. (C) Under its EU Presidency, Stockholm has pushed Ankara

to open Halki Seminary as it would gain Turkey good will with

the Greek Orthodox community and benefit Istanbul as a 2010

European Capitol of Culture. Asp said that Swedish MFA U/S

Frank Belfrage pushed U/S Apakan hard on this issue during an

August 3 Brussels meeting. Asp had also encouraged lead GOT

EU negotiator Egemen Bagis to do the same and to show more

flexibility toward Cyprus. Bagis reportedly responded that

he was working on Halki, but that it would ultimately require

a reciprocal act in Northern Thrace. (NOTE: In contrast to a

month ago, we are hearing this linkage every time Halki comes

up. This is significant step backward. END NOTE) Cyprus,

however, would have to wait until September, when Apakan

assumes his new position as Turkish UN Permanent

Representative in New York.

5. (C) Asp reported, however, that Apakan has show signs of

softening his traditionally incalcitrant position on Cyprus.

During his meeting with Belfrage, Apakan reportedly said that

he would consider allowing Cypriots to attend one of the

three OECD education and cultural programs that Turkey had

previously blocked. Belfrage also encouraged Apakan to show

more flexibility on energy issues, namely Cypriot oil

exploration, as current Turkish objections will just prolong

Nicosia's efforts to block the opening of additional EU

chapters (namely energy) and to contemplate issuing a

declaration of non-aggression and peaceful resolution on the

matter. Asp reported he had been told since that the GOT was

working on such a resolution and would consult with the

Swedes regarding content and timing. (NOTE: Asp opined that

the EU has shot itself in the foot over the energy chapter by

allowing Nicosia to block its opening. Momentum is growing

amongst members to increase pressure on Cyprus to step down;

Nabucco has helped with this. END NOTE) Nevertheless, he

expressed concern to the Ambassador that the Turks may ask

the GOC for a guarantee of equal rights on the continental

ANKARA 00001145 002 OF 002

shelf in return. On the Ankara Protocol, Apakan reportedly

said that Turkey may consider a variation of the Finnish

Proposal of opening one airport and one port in exchange for


6. (C) Comment: Asp is willing to give the Turks the benefit

of the doubt on issues such as the Aegean. As we have noted

previously, Athens' reluctance to explain why overflights of

Agathonisi and Farmakonisi are different (i.e. real

violations of sovereignty) has even the Swedes confused.

Visit Ankara's Classified Web Site at

http://www.intelink.sgov.gov/wiki/Portal:Turk ey


=======================CABLE ENDS============================

id: 52231

date: 2/8/2006 14:52

refid: 06BRUSSELS429

origin: Embassy Brussels

classification: CONFIDENTIAL



This record is a partial extract of the original cable. The full text of the original cable is not available.

----------------- header ends ----------------



E.O. 12958: DECL: 02/08/2016




Classified By: Political Officer Vincent Carver for reason 1.5 (b/d).


- - - - -

1. (C) European Commission and Parliament officials agreed

with visiting DAS Bryza February 6-7 on the need to build on

the momentum created by Turkish FM Gul's recent proposal on

opening Turkish and Northern Cypriot ports. The EU officials

noted that Turkey could not open its ports to Cypriot vessels

without the political cover of movement toward ending

Northern Cypriot isolation. All agreed that a halt to

Turkey's EU accession negotiations could have serious

geostrategic consequences and negative effect on Turkey's

2007 national elections. END SUMMARY

2. (C) EUR DAS Matthew Bryza met with European Commission

Director General for Enlargement Michael Leigh, Commission

Unit Head for Turkey Christian Danielsson and advisor on

Turkey to Enlargement Commission Rehn, Jean-Christophe

Filori, February 6 and with Member of the European Parliament

(MEP) and EP Rapporteur on Turkey, Camiel Eurlings (Dutch,

Center-Right) February 7 to discuss Turkey and Cyprus.

Leigh, stressing that EU accession negotiations with Turkey

would proceed on their merits and not on political

considerations, emphasized the positive effects of the

negotiations. Once "taboo" subjects were now open for

discussion, with the EU and Turkey enjoying a more

sophisticated and higher level dialogue. Given pressure from

member states, the EU and Turkey are holding a series of

monthly seminars, including on issues such as human rights

and religious freedom. For their part, the Turks are taking

a practical approach. Leigh stressed that the process is

valuable and maintaining its momentum will be key to further

promoting reform in Turkey. In this light, the EU will

attempt to avoid the risk of Cyprus, possibly with other

member states, halting accession negotiations absent Turkish

implementation of the additional protocol.

3. (C) One way to avoid such blockage, Leigh explained, is

to convince Nicosia that direct trade with the north does not

imply recognition of the TRNC. Having the UN or another body

manage trade out of Famagusta is one option worth exploring

to allow a form of direct trade, while affording Greek

Cypriots a sense that they had not surrendered their claim of

sovereignty over the North. The Greek Cypriots, however,

continue to link Famagusta with their demand for a moratorium

on construction in the north and with a hand over of Varosha,

which the Turkish Cypriots reject. Still, by potentially

opening a debate on the Famagusta-Varosha issue, Ankara's

recent Cyprus proposal seems to reflect a new political

willingness by Ankara to fulfill its obligation to extend the

Additional Protocol (by opening Turkish ports to Greek

Cypriot ships). By so doing, Leigh continued, Turkey may

convey within the EU a sense of momentum on the difficult

port issue sufficient to allow the Commission to avoid

criticizing Ankara on this matter in its October progress


4. (C) In any case, the EU recognizes the primacy of the

UN's role in forging an overall settlement. Commission Unit

Head for Turkey Danielsson emphasized the positive role

Athens has played on Cyprus, noting the U.S. might want to

continue to encourage Greece to play a helpful role in trying

to persuade Nicosia to be more reasonable. Danielsson

observed that there may be a window of opportunity for

progress after the Cypriot elections in May and before the

European Commission issues its annual monitoring report on

Turkey in October or early November. DAS Bryza agreed that

Greek FM Molyviatis has indeed been helpful, including with

the Greek aide memoire regarding the Gul initiative, which

points toward the Famagusta-Varosha proposal. DAS Bryza

added that the U.S. would continue to engage Athens on the


5. (C) Leigh noted that Turkish accession negotiations were

taking place within a wider context: public opinion in many

member states opposed Turkish accession, more parties are

calling for a closer examination of the EU's absorption

capacity (Leigh observed that this was generally perceived as

"code" for opposition to Turkish EU membership), and debate

was beginning over where Europe's borders are situated. The

Commission's tactic, Leigh added, is to try to keep

enlargement, particularly regarding Turkey, as part of a

larger debate on the future of Europe. Otherwise, many

people will focus on Turkey's differences with the EU rather

than on the EU's success in promoting reform and exporting

stability throughout southeastern Europe.

6. (C) Filori, in a separate meeting, acknowledged that no

Turkish government could be expected to open its ports absent

moves to diminish Northern Cypriot isolation. The key is to

avoid "the big clash that everyone foresees" by providing

Ankara the necessary political cover to implement the

Additional Protocol. According to Filori, the Commission

wants the Council to bless its financial aid package to the

north and provide additional tangible benefits to the Turkish

Cypriot population. Confidence-building measures could help

ease the sense of isolation as well, he added, stressing that

the EU recognizes the indispensable role of the UN in this

regard. That said, Filori added that Nicosia must acquiesce

to such measures and this "will be difficult, to say the


7. (C) Filori reiterated Leigh's observations regarding

Greek Cypriot calls for the return of Varosha and a

moratorium on construction in the north. Bryza noted concern

over the possibility that Nicosia, sometime this year, would

send a ship as a provocation toward the Turkish coast with

Turkey preventing it from entering a Turkish port. Filori

predicted that, in this scenario, several member states would

support Nicosia and agree to suspend accession negotiations

with Turkey. Filori and Bryza agreed the U.S. and European

Commission should think through options for responding to

such a move by the Greek Cypriots.

8. (C) Dutch MEP and EP Rapporteur on Turkey Eurlings agreed

with DAS Bryza on the need to try to build on the momentum

created by the Gul proposal to avoid a possible stalemate on

accession negotiations. Eurlings also stressed that the U.S.

can continue to play a helpful role by quietly but firmly

persuading the Turkish leadership, "as a friend," to promote

further political and societal reforms. Erdogan and others,

Eurlings stressed, should drop their "fighting their way into

the EU" attitude and concentrate more on promoting reforms

such as opening the Halki Seminary and returning some

Christian churches to their religious communities. This, he

emphasized, would go a long way in helping shape a more

positive European public opinion about Turkey.

9. (C) Likewise, Eurlings underscored, Ankara must alter its

penal code, particularly articles 301 and 305, to allow fro

greater freedom of expression. Eurlings noted that even

Enlargement Commissioner Rehn (a usually calm Finn), became

very emotional when discussing Turkish "obstructionism" on

religious freedom and property rights with a Turkish

parliamentary delegation and GOT chief accession negotiator

Babacan in December. Eurlings cautioned that the end of 2006

could result in a crisis if Turkey does not implement the

Additional Protocol. He added that the end of 2007 could

bring an additional crisis if the EU determines that Turkey

has not demonstrated sufficient progress in meeting the

Copenhagen criteria on democracy and human rights under the

Association Framework Agreement.

10. (C) Focusing on religious tolerance, Eurlings stressed

the emerging consensus in the Netherlands on the need to

train imams in the Netherlands rather than allowing them

entry from abroad. He agreed with Bryza that a key challenge

would be to ensure that the trainers were themselves

moderate. Eurlings further agreed that Turkey's Directorate

of Religious Affairs (Diyanet) could be a helpful partner in

imam training, provided that the Diyanet agreed to reduce its

efforts to exert political control over Turkish emigre

communities in Europe.


- - - -

11. (C) DAS Bryza's EU interlocutors appeared genuinely to

want to avoid the "train wreck" predicted by some in Brussels

regarding Turkish accession negotiations by discussing ways

to help promote Ankara sufficient political cover to begin to

implement the Additional Protocol. They recognized that

Gul's proposal indicates an increased willingness by Ankara

to try to generate some more positive thinking on how to

proceed toward a compromise. They also agreed that one way

to help provide Turkey with some political cover was to ease

the isolation of the Turkish Cypriots, through EU aid for the

region and via confidence-building measures. While Eurlings

observed that Papadopolous "always says no" to any proposal

aimed at promoting a settlement, the EU officials agreed with

DAS Bryza on the need to continue talking on how best to

convince Nicosia to engage in a practical discussion aimed at

ending the deadlock. All also agreed on the need to engage

the UN and maintain it as the primary conduit for settlement


12. (U) DAS Bryza has cleared this message. DAS Bryza's

energy-related meetings reported septel.



=======================CABLE ENDS============================

id: 56108

date: 3/10/2006 15:48

refid: 06ATHENS681

origin: Embassy Athens

classification: CONFIDENTIAL



This record is a partial extract of the original cable. The full text of the original cable is not available.

----------------- header ends ----------------

C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 02 ATHENS 000681



E.O. 12958: DECL: 03/10/2016





1. (C) SUMMARY: In Athens March 7-9 on one of his frequent

working visits, Cypriot President Papadopoulos met top party

leaders and GoG officials, including PM Karamanlis, and got a

boost for his handling of the Cyprus issue. In a joint press

conference, PM Karamanlis praised the February 28 UNSYG

Annan-Papadopoulos meeting in Paris as a step toward eventual

resumption of negotiations and reiterated that Turkey must

meet its EU obligations. Press coverage was universally

positive with the theme that the ball was now in Turkey's

court. Papadopoulos was once more able to command Greek

support in his efforts to place the onus on Turkey and the

Turkish Cypriots. END SUMMARY.

Papadopoulos Gets Boost From PM


2. (U) Cypriot President Papadopoulos, visiting Athens

March 7-9, met with the top Greek leadership, including PM

Karamanlis, President Papoulias and FM Bakoyannis, and got

strong statements of support for his handling of the Cyprus

issue and, implicitly, for his interpretation of his meeting

with the UNSYG. In a joint press conference after their

meeting, PM Karamanlis welcomed as an "extremely important

development" the February 28 meeting between UNSYG Annan and

Papadopoulos, a result of which was their proposal for

technical talks between Greek and Turkish Cypriots. The PM

also stressed the need to create the proper conditions for a

resumption of talks "without constricting timelines" and

warned that "we do not have the luxury of another failure."

Karamanlis praised Cyprus for "once again" proving that it is

interested in a "just, lasting and viable" solution to the


3. (U) For his part, Papadopoulos, in answering a press

conference question, took a swipe at the U.S. interest in

direct trade with Cyprus. In so doing he rejected the

argument that such trade could help ease the isolation of the

Turkish Cypriots or equalize the economic imbalance between

the two sides.

4. (U) The visit attracted very positive and fairly

extensive press coverage, with reports emphasizing

Papadopoulos and Karamanlis agreeing that the ball is now in

Turkey's court and highlighting the need for Turkey to

implement the Ankara Protocol -- i.e., open its airports and

seaports to Greek Cypriot vessels.

Message to Papadopoulos


5. (C) In a March 8 meeting and in subsequent

conversations, MFA spokesman Koumoutsakos confirmed to poloff

that the private GoG message to President Papadopoulos was to

push to re-start negotiations. Asked if Greece worried that

Turkey's EU accession process might be in jeopardy if

negotiations do not resume, Koumoutsakos responded that it

was first and foremost Turkey's responsibility to honor its

EU obligations. However, he did admit that the GoG was

concerned that there was not a more positive environment

regarding a resumption of talks, even though publicly the GoG

was touting the February 28 Paris meeting as an important

step in this direction. Being able to indicate such

progress, he went on, would help the atmosphere within the EU

vis-a-vis Turkey when the Commission issues its avis in the


6. (C) Koumoutsakos rejected the notion that the GoG just

blindly supported whatever Papadopoulos proposed, saying that

former FM Molyviatis had been very active in moderating

Papadopoulos' behavior in the run-up to Turkey's October 3 EU

accession invitation. He added that this was in line with

the GoG's continued desire to keep its relations with Turkey

and the Cyprus issue on two different tracks.

7. (C) British Ambassador Gass told us that in his own

conversations, MFA Cyprus Director George Papadopoulos (no

relation) had told him that there was "understandable

euphoria" in Athens regarding the Annan-Papadopoulos meeting.

George Papadopoulos explained that President Papadopoulos'

idea for two parallel tracks -- one on

technical issues (health, the environment) and another more

substantial track that would deal with sensitive issues

(returns, for example) -- had essentially breathed new life

into efforts to resolve the Cyprus problem.

Annan Plan


8. (C) Ambassador met briefly with EU Enlargement

Commissioner Ollie Rehn, on the margins of Rehn's March 9

speech sponsored by ELIAMEP, one of Greece's premier foreign

policy thinktanks. Ambassador recalled that the European

Commission had decided in 2004 that the Annan Plan was not

inconsistent with the EU acquis. Lately, Ambassador said,

Nicosia had been making repeated assertions that its

accession to the EU in 2004 totally changed the circumstances

for reunification (and thereby calling into question the

Annan Plan's conformity with the acquis.) Ambassador noted

that, in fact, nothing had changed, and he continued to make

this point from time to time. Rehn took the point and said

he would similarly look for ways to recall that in its final

form the Annan Plan had been found to be not inconsistent

with EU norms. (Comment: Recently, FM Bakoyannis declared

the Annan Plan "history," but in the context that it had been

rejected in its current form by a large majority of Greek

Cypriots, not because it might be inconsistent with the EU

acquis or unable to serve as a framework for a solution. End


9. (C) COMMENT: Papadopoulos used his February 28 meeting

with Annan to leverage endorsement from PM Karamanlis and

others here for his efforts to portray himself as truly

interested in resuming talks under UN auspices, as well as to

place the onus on Turkey/Turkish Cypriots to respond to the

technical talks offer.


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